on Kodak film campaign |
Sad News
Richard Stringer passed away suddenly but peacefully at about 2pm on Friday, July 27, 2007 at the Jubilee Hospital in Victoria. He had been battling cancer for several years and astounded everyone with his positive attitude, bravery and determination.
RA, as he was known in the business, was an inspiration to hundreds of people over his 35-year career. Always researching the latest technology and striving to create new visual motifs for clients, RA had the energy and drive of someone half his age. He won many awards over the years for his dedication, innovation, and tremendous contribution to his craft.
Richard was loved and respected by clients, colleagues, and many friends around the world. We have all lost a great man; he will be sorely missed.
Ontario at
40 below Aaton XTR S16 |
Memorial Comments
5 new comments added January 30, 2008 (newest at top)
To Richard's Family,
My sincere condolences at the passing of Richard Stringer in 2007. Having read about him and his work I realize that I would have enjoyed meeting him and getting to know him. I believe we would be 3rd cousins or 2nd cousins once removed depending on the method of analysis. We were researching our own names on the internet to see what we would find when Alex (my partner) found the article about Richard's work on Isaac Stringer's northern adventures. I was immediately interested to know that Richard had pursued that film project and to discover that there was a cinematographer in the family. I was very saddened however to then discover that he had passed away before he could complete his quest.
I have been to the Yukon on several occasions and have visited The Old Log Church museum at Bishop Stringer Park, where I was able to view some of Isaac's clips on the computer. My Grandfather and Isaac were brothers, therefore, Isaac was my great uncle. He and Sadie were very much revered by my grandparents and parents and we grew up hearing about their stories. I had the privilege of meeting Aunt Sadie on one occasion when I was just a child. She was passing through Calgary (where I grew up) en route to Vancouver by the train and my parents took me down to meet her, while the train was stopped for about an hour or so.
My 1st cousins Lloyd and Brian Bjork live in the Yukon and Isaac was also their great uncle. Their Mother was Mildred Stringer second daughter of James and Margaret Stringer. My Father was Howard Stringer, second eldest son of James and Margaret. I am presently living on the James Stringer Homestead on the Eastern Slopes of the Rocky Mountains near Sundre, Alberta. It is a beautiful place to retire and I hope that my children will treasure this little bit of our family history throughout their lives as well. My mother donated a few items that were given to Margaret and James from Isaac and Sadie, to the Little Log Church museum a number of years ago... that is to say all but the jaw bone of a whale which resides on the wall of the Stringer cabin to this day. Both my father and mother have passed on, my father at 62 and my mother at 69. Aunt Mildred also died about age 66. They all knew Isaac and Sadie well. I have wanted to fly up to Herschel Island from Whitehorse to see where the explorers' adventures took them. Perhaps one day my cousin Lloyd and I will accomplish that mission. Lloyd has been a trucker in the Yukon for years and has talked to Inuit and Native Elders that knew Isaac.
I hope the work that Richard began will be continued and I look forward to seeing those accomplishments if that occurs. We will watch for news on the web page.
I have two daughters, Kathleen (age 32), and Jennifer (age 31). It is their generation and younger that is missing from the Stringer family tree book. I found Richard's name in the book but did not find mention of a family. If you will permit me to share that information, I will add to the Stringer Family Tree Books books for my daughters. Thank you for your time and again my sympathy for your loss.
Nila Eileen Stringer |
I remember working with Richard as second camera on the Exhibit A forensic science series. He would seem so serious on set at times but during a waiting moment I used to love to crack him up with one of my silly thoughts or sounds. He would break up with a controlled laughter behind his spectacles then go right back to work.
Peter Elliott |
I was saddened to learn of Richard's passing, and wish to send my deepest sympathy. I am a writer (also a war bride), completing a history of Canada's war brides, and have included Richard in the chapter "The Next Generation". I was not able to contact him and have compiled information on him from an article I read. I would love at some more appropriate time to learn more of Richard's war bride connection.
Eswyn Lyster. |
I only just read about Richard's death in the Ryerson Alumni magazine. I was shocked to learn this and I am so very sorry for your loss.
Richard and I shared three years of residence at Ryerson and had many great and happy times. We didn't keep in touch, but once about five years ago he was staying with Bob Conrad (a Ryerson residence friend) and they both phoned me and we had a good talk about the Ryerson days.
During one recent reunion at Ryerson, I believe we missed each other by one day. He came on a Friday but couldn't stay for the residence reunion on Saturday.
Richard had an infectious smile and laugh and was always easy to get along with. I'm sure you will miss him always.
He was quite silent in his physical movements, almost like a shadow... in fact he became known to his residence friends as "Shaddy."
In checking his web page, I didn't realise how famous and talented he was. My loss.
Victor Mazar
In 1965 1966 I had a fun year at Ryerson in a residence with Richard, Victor and Dave. A few years ago when he was working on ‘Blackfly’ in the Halifax area he spent a night at my place for, as we called it, a barbecue and sleep over. I was sorry to read the sad news last week in the Ryerson Magazine.
Bob Conrad |
Dear Carol & Matt:
Richard has many accomplishments in the world of film but we will remember Rich for his devotion to his family and friends. Matthew and Carol, you were his bedrock and his foundation.
We remember Richard’s grin as he served up his famous Christmas trifle. We remember Richard as a devoted father to Matthew, making sure that Matt experienced the joys of travel and the camera as Richard did. We remember Richard’s devotion to his mother Clare who had moved to Toronto to be near you all in her last years. We remember Rich in his last months striving to capture the achievements of his grandfather on film. Carol, we remember Richard for the love and respect he showed you.
We miss Richard already.
All our love
Thom, Charlene and Thomas Burton |
I hadn't been in touch with Richard for a number of years, but I knew that he had just moved out West and was hoping to cross paths with him in Vancouver. I'm so sad to hear of his passing last Friday.
I knew Richard in Toronto in the 80's. We worked on a number of productions together, --I was doing sound, and I always enjoyed his openess to the world, his sense of humour and a shared geek sensibility. We were both tech/gadget freaks, always on about how machining some special piece of equipment would make something else work perfectly or enable you to get an impossible shot. Richard was great to work with, --he took everything with a grain of salt and genuinely cared about his subjects and his collegues.
He was a pioneer in the Canadian film industry, -- we're all going to miss him.
With deepest sympathy for his family,
Aerlyn Weissman |
We were saddened to read of Richard's death. Michael went to Ryerson with Richard, and we saw a lot of the youthful Richard in his first few years away from home.
Michael and Ann McCrea |
To say our thoughts are with you both would be an understatement. Margot and I have been thinking about Richard since we heard the sad news. There are certain people in our lives that truly make a significant and positive difference and Richard was surely one of those. He was always an absolute gentleman and a very respectful and giving individual. He contibuted so much to our profession which is mainly how I knew him. I regret not taking the time to get to know him more on a personal level as I'm confident he would have enriched me personally as he enriched us all professionally. He freely shared his knowledge with many of us through the CSC. This made us all better and stronger in our careers and in life. I truly hope you can both find the strength for yourselves at this time by reflecting on the strengths that Richard shared with us all.
Carole, I wish I could put better into words more eloquently how I feel.... I simply admired him and will miss him.
With our Love,
Doug and Margot |
I first met Richard in the mid 1980s. He was a good friend of Vlad Czyzewski, my boss at the time. My first impression was that Richard was a rather shy, gentle, even distant person.
Over the years, as I got to know him, I saw in Richard a quiet relentlessness. Always striving for new shooting methods, unique motifs, and unusual looks, at his core Richard was full of creative ambition.
He took real pride in his work and his accomplishments, without bravado, fanfare or self-hype. He let his work stand for who he was to quote Mohandas Ghandi, his life was his message.
Richard had a big influence on me over the years. When I didn’t understand something in the business or needed help, I would call and ask him. His guidance often put me on the right path.
It’s a strange thing to think he’s not with us anymore. He left too soon.
Mark Wright, Prisma Light (August 2007) |
If you wish to post a memorial message on this site or send a message
to Richard's family, please email gjones@prismalight.com.
Please indicate in your email whether we can post your comments on the site or not.
on these specialties
Recent Gemini and CSC
award winner for unique or stylized imagery! |
Full Super 16mm package. Recently
shot NFB doc in Russia on film. |
“Exquisite cinematography captures
the light and colour of a Rembrandt painting." |
Pictures from around the world and
behind the scenes on set. |
Stringer featured on Kodak’s
“on film” promotion - in print and on
the web! |
BY |
Stringer on the latest Mini DV cameras,
the HD revolution, Film vs. Video, and more... |
Richard Stringer has developed products
for equipment testing. |
For custom demo tapes or availability. |
For some of Stringer’s producers
and industry connections. |
Stringer's own film project featuring the pioneering lives of his grandparents, Isaac and Sadie Stringer. |